Having a beautiful garden in your home to care for has so many benefits for one’s health especially later on in life, these can be:
– It’s an enjoyable form of exercise that increases mobility and flexibility
– Helps prevent disease like osteoporosis
– Reduces stress levels and at the same time promotes relaxation
– Providing stimulation from being outside in nature
– Provide nutritious, home grown produce that will taste better then that store bought junk
The question from this is, why am I talking about gardening, and the positives it provides later on in life?
Hey guys, I’m Simon! The Landscape Team Leader for Desert Rose. The challenge that my team and I have been working on is to design the native landscape (one for competition in Dubai and one for placement at the Innovation Campus), that beautifies our Desert Rose house, as well as assist people effected by age related disabilities. We aim to achieve this by incorporating a sensory garden which will aid the occupants in aging as the garden will allow stimulation to all the senses. These being sight, hearing, smell, taste and last but not least, touch. So the materials and plants in the garden are specifically chosen for their scent, texture, colour and edibility. We also will be incorporating two green walls on both the front and back deck which in my opinion, will look stunning! A task we have been working on the past couple of weeks is using our contacts with a local demolition man and salvaging hardwood timber lengths of different sizes and textures. These reclaimed timbers will then form the screening for our decks, having a modern, rustic feel to them they will be a great addition to the exterior of the house.
Joining the team back in late 2016 when this house was just a few drawings and ideas scribbled on pieces of paper, it’s been an exciting journey and there have been some great people I’ve been lucky enough to work with and continue to work with. Landscaping from my perspective, has the potential to make or break a house and is an overlooked aspect in many houses today. So my team and I have a responsibility to make the Desert Rose reach it’s full potential. Highlighting all the great architectural and engineering details of the house with an elegant, yet simple native landscape that assists people with age related disabilities.